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Our lovely family of Animal RX Essences supporters

"Georgi is a spaniel rescue and has always been scared around other dogs, especially big dogs. We had a lot of issues walking her because of her fears. We gave her Protection Plus for a while and she stopped being afraid. This problem had severely impacted all of us and we are very grateful."

-- Stanley Goldfarb, D.V.M.

Animal Wellness Center of Marin

"Drake – a dog long neglected and abused came to me as an emergency foster after eye surgery to correct his blindness. He’d been through so much in the few weeks after his rescue and was feeling anxious and traumatized. I used Crisis Cooler and Happy Heart to help calm him down and relax. It made a huge difference for him (and me) and I’m happy to report he had a successful recovery from the surgery."

-- Peggy Hilden

Kaiser Family Foundation

"We found that using Crisis Cooler really makes a huge difference, calms [our cats] down, decreases the aggression, and just makes everybody get along better. It's a great product and if you're having that challenge with your cats or other animals, give it a try."

-- Steve Lillo

Founder, PlanetLink

Essential oils for calming cats is a great option
Essential oils and flowers essence are great for calming

"Our pit bull terrier is pretty excitable and change can make her nervous. We were moving from SF to Oakland and we were really concerned that she would not make the transition gracefully. We gave her Crisis Cooler, which really helped her become calmer and accept the transition without her usual anxiety level. On the Fourth of July, we gave her some more because fireworks really upset her and she was fine! We love these essences!!!"

-- Marisha Doan

Yoga instructor

"Kelly is a 14 and ½ year old dog with a tumor that is inoperable and possibly cancerous. She has slowed down quite a bit. But since the vet gave her Happy Heart, she is pretty perked up quite a lot and is prancing around like a puppy. Today at the dog park a woman asked me how old my “puppy” was and I told her she’s 14 and ½! I feel very strongly that Happy Heart has made the difference!"

-- Nuala Vignoles

Sheba is a 14-year-old Australian shepherd who has a skin condition all her life. In her early days, I mostly tried keeping her off food that had wheat and corn in it. Everything we’ve done has only worked for a while and never completely. We’ve treated her for fleas and feed her buffalo kibble and canned peas. Still, she can’t stop the licking, scratching and chewing. Within one week of starting to use Protection Plus, she stopped chewing and licking! She is at peace in her skin, finally! Thank you AnimalRx Essences and Protection Plus for helping my girl.

                                                                 -- Kathy Brady


Essential oils and flowers essence are great for calming

AnimalRx Essences ​is an animal and pet wellness brand with focus on the mental well being of pets. All of our essences are non-toxic herbal preparations that address emotions, stress, mental attitudes, spiritual values and life purpose.

Your pet is in good hands with AnimalRx


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© 2017 AnimalRx Essences. Website design by Sarah Green.

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